M3 Orange Plus UHF GUN

UHF RFID Handheld Computer

The RFID Handheld M3 Mobile Orange Plus UHF GUN is designed to achieve long range read ranges for ISO 18000-6 C tags and labels.
This industry PDA has an exceptional performance with ranges up to 10 meters.

Thanks to the module-based architecture, the RFID handheld can be very easily separated from the pistol grip with UHF RFID reader. This allows the user to work mobile in combination with both the RFID pistol grip and the pure M3 Orange Plus handheld reader. The 5,200 mAh battery integrated in the pistol grip together with the standard 3,300 mAh battery in the M3 Orange Plus offer the greatest possible independence for many applications.

This combination offers unmatched performance in demanding environments through a variety of communication options available as standard, such as the built-in USB port or options such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g and the ability to use HSDPA communication.

A 1D laser scanner or 2D barcode imager is also available. This equipment package can cover all requirements of logistics, parts tracking or distribution applications.

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